Coonrod Photography

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Winter Wakeup Event

It's cold.
It's gray,
and... well frankly -- we're bored!

Christmas is over, school's back in session and everyone is just bundled up in their cocoon.

"Shrek" at QCT, and "The Heiress" at Quincy High School

This is always the slowest time of year at the studio. We had a fun little burst of activity with some theatre events; the Quincy Community Theatre Quilta Awards, QCT's "Shrek", and the QHS Winter Play, "The Heiress". And of course our annual Valentine Special is going on (Valentine's Day is over, but the Special lasts till the end of the month)... but mostly, we're looking for some excitement.

So, to liven things up, we decided to try something new, it's a:

Winter Wake-up Event

What is a Winter Wake-up Event?
Well, that's up to you...

Do you have an idea for an off-beat picture? 
Now is your chance to be creative. Have some fun, think outside the box (or picture frame).
We want to try new things -- you have great ideas -- let's get together. Bring us your ideas: maybe the kids having a snowball fight, maybe a Family Portrait in your jammies in front of the fire. Maybe something you saw on Pinterest... 

Bring us your ideas and inspirations

Bring your ideas and inspirations. It can be just you, your family, your kids... group of friends... group of strangers(?), you name it!

This Portrait may not look that "crazy" or "daring", but YOU try bringing THREE CATS...

Be silly, fun, crazy, daring, edgy, creative, artsy..., outrageous!
(Or maybe the only thing outrageous is that you are finally having a portrait made, but that's OK.)

Gather your ideas and call 217-228-1385 (or contact us). We'll talk, we'll plan, and then we'll schedule a time for whatever crazy thing you can think of. 
What if this sounds like fun... but you don't really have any ideas? Don't worry, we've got a few of our own...